If wanting to import or export products, how should I start?
If wanting to import or export products, how should I start?
Import and Export Procedures When starting to trade international goods, whether importing or exporting anything. through which route Will have to go through all 8 of these steps. Let's see what each step from the beginning to the end has.When agreeing to order or sell products The seller will have to start from producing the product or preparing the product in the warehouse to be ready for delivery. The process of exporting goods will be as follows.
1. Start importing and exporting at the seller's factory.
The first point of import-export transportation will not go beyond the seller or the manufacturer. At this point, most of us tend to call it Factory in Thai or Shipper in English. It is called a factory for the convenience of calling. Even though it's a small shop or a warehouse to store goods, as for the Shipper, will spend time talking to foreigners because it literally translates as an exporter or seller. It can be assumed that they will pick up the product. Or who will use other words such as Factory Factory, Warehouse Warehouse or Shop Shop according to their understanding? But please understand that the product will start from there.
2. Transportation in the country of origin
When the deal is completed, the goods will be packed and packed onto trucks for transport to various ports/airports. Then transfer the goods to the ship or plane for export to the destination country, called Trucking, Pick-up, Inland or Inland freight.
3. Export customs clearance
At this stage, the seller (shipper) or international freight forwarder (freight forwarder) who has been procured will have the duty to declare to the customs officer (Customs House) what goods will leave that country. This point in fret language is called Outbound Customs Clearance and this process usually takes a short time. If there is no problem.
4. Departure port/airport
when the customs has inspected and released the goods The goods are then permitted to be loaded onto a ship or aircraft arranged to be transported out of the seller's country. At this point in Fret language, we will call it Port of Loading (POL), but not if the formalities are completed, the ship or the plane will leave immediately. There still needs to be a fair process in the port. Depending on the regulations of the airport port of each country as well.
5. Port/Airport of destination
when the goods have arrived in the buyer's country At this point, when the ship or plane has docked. Goods will be transported to the warehouse. Wait for the buyer or the customs agent to come and inspect the release of the product. At this point, Fret language we will call Port of Discharge(POD).
6. Import customs clearance
The customs officer will inspect the goods imported by the buyer to see if the goods you import match what has been reported to the customs department or not. Does the tax payment match the tax base set by the Customs Department? Is it a regulated product? If there is no problem when it's done can be transported out of the port/airport right away, this point is Inbound Customs Clearance.
7. Transport from the port
Goods that are released and transported to the consignee. Road transport in Thailand also has requirements for larger trucks than pick-up trucks. It's easy to remember that during the busy traffic times when employees arrive and leave work, large vehicles are prohibited from running in urban areas.
What time can the truck run? : http://www.lissom-logistics.co.th/articles-details.php?id=35
8. Buyer
Now the last step is The buyer (Consignee) receives the goods. Considered as completing the cargo transportation mission. At this stage before taking delivery of the goods A good buyer should inspect the product before accepting it every time.
We have gone through all 8 points that you should understand before importing or exporting. In transportation, each country will have different transportation times, but the process will definitely be in these 8 items.
Credit : https://bit.ly/2INl5hb